Final Fantasy XV: A Homecoming

July, 2006, Square Enix unveils to the world a trailer that would be the start of a 10 year long wait. The premier for Final Fantasy Versus XIII  (now known as FFXV). The crowd, breath held with anticipation, watched the protagonist, Noctis Lucis Caelum, waste an enemy squad on screen with little effort, showing us…

Black Oni Podcast 46: E3 Battle Royale!

Episode 46: E3 Battle Royale Agenda 1- I-I-I-Iiiice Breaker!! 2- Gamin’ News 3- Hot Topic 1- INTRO/ I-I-I-ICE BREAKER!!! • What were you hoping would be announced at E3 that wasn’t? 2- GAMIN’ NEWS • Whatcha playin’? Latest Game Releases: June Payday 2: Crimewave Edition (Xbox One, PS4) – June 16, Canvaleon (Wii U) –…

Black Oni Podcast Episode 36: Streetest of Fighters!

Download mp3 Agenda 1- I-I-I-Iiiice Breaker!! 2- Gamin’ 3- Gamin’ News 4- Hot Topic 1- INTRO/ I-I-I-ICE BREAKER!!! • What is your favorite fighting game of all time? 2- GAMIN’ • Whatcha playin’? • Latest/New game releases: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX, The Crew, Star Wars the Old Republic- Shadow of Revan, Lara Croft and…