Pushing the Envelope

  Video games often find themselves in a precarious position.  On the one hand, they are a genre with a fanbase that is open to many new ideas and mostly oppose censorship.  On the other hand, however, video games often find themselves under scrutiny from mass media, and often have fans that are the least…

Why I’m saying NO to DLC in 2014

By Kevin Kennedy (Theonekk)                 Now, it may be a little late (I mean it’s already late January), but I think I’ve figured out my gaming resolution for 2014: stop buying DLC.  This may seem a bit extreme, but it makes a lot of sense in context, and with a few qualifications. First, let me…

First-Person Understanding: Interpreting our Reality through Gaming

First-Person Understanding: Interpreting our Reality through Gaming Kevin Kennedy (Theonekk)                 When discussing video games, there seems to be a fundamental understanding that the world of the game exists as it is produced by the game’s creators.  Yet, if one starts to think about it in a more complex context, this is simply not true.  For…