Smart Art

This is just spectacular. This entire restaurant is made out of cardboard and paper-even the chairs! Despite the fact that its cardboard, they make the claim that everything is durable, and if something breaks, they just recycle it! It helps that the place is absolutely beautiful to boot! Thank you Design Taxi for delivering awesome…


Welcome everyone! I see the official Black Oni Facebook page has been gaining considerable traction, which is EPIC. Loving all of the likes and support from fans of video games, art, and of course, Black Oni. To continue on with the posts I know you love, I’ll bring to you a video showcasing some awesome…

Humor Me

Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about. The wonderful folks over at Design Taxi have showcased some really funny art. Back in college, my classmates and I discussed humor in art during critiques and outside-of-the-classroom discussions, and about how so much of the fine art out there is just too serious. Don’t get me wrong, I love…

Stand By!

Soooooo, who wants to donate to the Black Oni foundation. We’re just asking for 13.5 million dollars… thats all! From the awesome folk over at Design Taxi, comes this really great article about what I’d like to call “the mini gundam”. This thing can be controlled via iphone or manually piloted while inside, has wheels,…

Nike illustrator

Man, zombies are everywhere (shoutout to starbursts zombie commercial)  but check out some new designs from nike, curtesy of design taxi! Nike T-shirts

Well put Jade Raymond

So if you’ve been paying any attention at all to this blog, you’ll know that I’m very much in love with the idea of video games (as a whole, not just in instances) evolving more as a medium, and incorporating real issues or topics of discussion into its games, to cause players to think a…


Hey folks, its been a while since I’ve posted on the blog  (yah, sorry). There’s so much development stuff going on I can’t wait to show you from work (huffington post anyone?). Anyway, today I bring you some GREAT news. Mortal Kombat Legacy is getting ready for a season two. So more epicness, more awesome…

Hey all. This is on a completely unrelated note, but as a Verizon customer who is in dire need of his upgrade (working with a droid incredible right now, which dies halfway through the day without much use at all (sometimes none), slow internet, and constant malfunctions), I feel devalued as a loyal customer due…