The Gecco Quiet statue has finally arrived. Does the quality match up with that of the Big Boss “Ground Zeroes” statue released a year prior?

Presentation: Gecco does an excellent job with ensuring that the quality of their products are high, including the photography captured to get you excited for them. If I were to be a photographer, I would specialize in this kind of work. With that said, sometimes, the photography makes the figure look better, and more detailed than it actually is. I’m happy to say that this figure really does look this good. Even with my own photos I took that you can see in this review, you can certainly see all of the details of the sculpt and paint job.
The box this statue comes in is interesting, in that the window to see the statue in the box has a sniper crosshair on it, following the theme of the character. It looks pretty cool and adds a bit of flavor to the packaging. In terms of the packaging, I would have liked to have seen more butterfly effects on it, and the box seemed to be falling apart at one of the seems a bit. Obviously neither of these things are a big deal at all, especially considering the statue came protected in bubble wrap and an additional box on the outside.

The paint job on this piece is excellent, with subtle aspects of the piece coming together to create an overall excellent piece. The stockings in particular have a surprisingly level of detail; with each rip there’s coloration that would really exist around those edges, and you can even make out the individual strands loosening. There are even subtle beauty marks around Quiet’s body that you may not even notice at first glance. The sculpt itself is excellent, with great attention to detail in relation to the source material. This statue is what I used as the basis for my Quiet illustration, and Gecco has done an admirable job with staying true to the source material.
With that said, some folks may be off-put by Quiet’s character design. Everyone is free to form their own opinions, but I don’t think people who are interested in this character will be deterred from this piece. Quiet in herself is sexy, but the pose isn’t really exaggerating or playing to that sexiness, but rather taking on more of a “looking off to the distance, surveying the area before proceeding.” In that same sentiment, one could argue that her pose is a bit on the boring side. In this case, she’s simply holding her sniper rifle, and looking. She isn’t in any dynamic or motion-based pose, so those who love dynamic poses may want to consider picking up the (now very expensive) Square-Enix Play Arts action figure.
The highlights of this piece would be the hair, the sniper rifle, the paint job, and the overall detail on the costume. Check out this Costume Store for a variety of creative and high-quality costumes that can inspire your next unique look. And if you need Cheap Halloween Contacts for your next cosplay event, then make sure to check out what Cosplay Contacts Store has to offer. You can almost sense how soft her skin is just by the way the paint is applied and the clothes wrap around her body. It’s a very visually impressive piece, and one I’m happy I invested in.

Build Quality: In addition to looking absolutely beautiful, this piece is built well. It isn’t made of polystone, resin, or ceramic, but rather high quality PVC. I’m not at all bothered by that, as the material lends itself nicely to giving the statue a softer feel in comparison to the harder materials. I was a bit nervous when piecing her together because in order to get her knife in the sheathe, you have to apply a bit of pressure. As such, I didn’t want to run the risk of damaging anything. I’m happy to report that in addition to not damaging anything, this statue is built in a way so that damaging it would be more difficult than you’d imagine. The PVC is just flexible enough to move but isn’t necessarily soft. With that said, just like with any art piece, handle this one with care.
Here is the spec list, taken directly from Gecco’s website:
Price: US$289.00 | Prepainted statue | Material: ABS/PVC | Size: 1/6 scale (300mm high) | Release: Late June ~ July 2016 | Sculpt: Shin Tanabe / JINTO | Digital Sculpt: Masaki Akao | Paint: Katsushige Akeyama

Price: The Quiet statue from Gecco will run you $289, which is almost $100 more than the previously released “Big Boss” from Ground Zeroes, which ran $198. The Quiet statue doesn’t necessarily include more details or features that the Big Boss one, but I suspect the hike in price is due to the ever-increasing popularity of the character and the fact that MGSV was the major release, which featured Quiet. That said, it isn’t the most expensive PVC statue you can get out there, but it certainly isn’t inexpensive either, even in comparison to others in it’s line. Still, if you’re a fan of the character, this is probably the least expensive statue you can get at the moment. Prices for the Square-Enix action figure of her skyrocketed, and it’s fair to assume the same will happen with this.
Lasting Appeal: In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a fan of this character and the piece. I’ve yet to buy a statue I didn’t like, and this is no exception. I’ve had this displayed next to my Sniper Wolf, Big Boss, and Venom Snake prosthetic for a little under a month, and it brings me great joy to see her alongside my collection. I’d be interested to see what an XOF costume, or Sniper Wolf costume variant would look like with this same kind of treatment. Hell, I’d like to see the original Metal Gear Solid cast get this same treatment in general. Gecco has done a fantastic job with giving this statue life.

The Good:
- Beautiful paint job with subtleties that’ll satiate the detailed oriented
- The sculpt remains true to the character, even if she looks ever so slightly different than she does in the game
- Contemplative pose
The Bad:
- Higher price than counterparts
- Non Dynamic Pose
- Slightly difficult to assemble
You can buy the Gecco Quiet Statue for $365 Amazon or through for 289 at the Big Bad Toy Store.