First-Person Understanding: Interpreting our Reality through Gaming

First-Person Understanding: Interpreting our Reality through Gaming Kevin Kennedy (Theonekk)                 When discussing video games, there seems to be a fundamental understanding that the world of the game exists as it is produced by the game’s creators.  Yet, if one starts to think about it in a more complex context, this is simply not true.  For…

Whatever happened to just playing nice?

Whatever happened to just playing nice? Seems like a simple enough question even if most of us don’t play like this in the real world. Its dog eat dog when it comes to the job market, doing something nice is looked upon with weird eyes, and even holding the door for someone barely happens these…

Black Oni Podcast Episode 10: Shhh, Quiet!

Welcome to episode 10 of the Black Oni Podcast! Your host Jae_Blaze06 is joined today by Yahomied and the_onekk! Today, we discuss our gaming backlog, recent releases (including outlast and DOA ultimate, early digital releases, Mighty no.9, pc gaming, studies on gaming, the controversy around Hideo Kojima’s MGS5 character “Quiet”, indie games, sexism and racism…